I was born and raised in a small town in southern Idaho, growing up in a low-income farm working household, I started working at a young age to help my family. From clearing sugar beet fields to construction work; this added an unshakable tenacity and hard work ethic in me. When I was 7 yours old my dream was to be a truck driver so I could travel and see different parts of the United States. However, my passion has always been in Art. Ever since I could remember I enjoyed drawing characters, cars, and environments but at the time I did not think it was possible to make a living creating art. This belief changed during high school when I learned about the Pre-Engineering Academy program; offered in my high school, which granted its enrolled students access to Computer Aided Design (CAD) software. Something compelled me to enroll into the program and my life changed as soon as I started working with design software and its limitless ability to visualize anything that the artist desired. I strived to be the best designer in the program, and it became my life. I chose the University of Idaho so I could pursue my dream of becoming a designer sense it offered the Virtual Technology and Design Program within the College of Art and Architecture. Which focused on the combination of Art, Design, World Building, and collaboration of (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) STEM programs. Throughout my undergraduate college career, I was fortunate enough to be invited onto the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Vandal Formula Hybrid Racing Team. Being the only designer to ever be invited onto this team of engineers was a great honor and privilege. My role in the team was to design the exterior body of the electric vehicle. A project that lasted a complete year of hard work and collaboration which resulted in a first-place victory during the 2014 SAE National Hybrid Vehicle competition. After graduation, I was excited to jump into the professional world and continue to work on my design skills. However, reality set in and I was unable to get a job in design field. I decided to pursue a master’s degree to give myself a second opportunity of getting into the design field. I worked for two years to design and create a functional racing simulator that would help the SAE Vandal Formula Hybrid racing team learn the functions of the vehicle and improve driver track knowledge. During my research I learned about Allinsports; an Italian company whose work helps Ferrari Racing department with driver training and simulation technology development. Allinsports provides Ferrari with a high-fidelity racing simulator used to train prospect drivers. I knew my chances were extremely low, but I decided to email Allinsports with my career elevator pitch and my CV. To my surprise Anton Stipinovich, owner of the company and former Formula 1 race engineer responded, and I was granted an opportunity of a lifetime, to travel to Italy and work for an industry leader in racing simulation. After completion of my master’s degree, I was relocated to Modena, Emilia-Romagna, Italy for an internship and job training as a Junior Designer. After my time in Italy, I was relocated to Miami Florida to help expand the company’s American market and consumer grade products. I worked for about 3 years in all aspects of the design process and professional driver training. I have been fortunate enough to travel the world and see how different regions and cultures tackle problems. This has broadened my view on design language and universal human centered design. My biggest motivation is to tackle large problems through design thinking and utilize the design process to help create solutions. I am always learning new skills and techniques to help me stay competitive in an ever so evolving market.
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